Doconomy — 2030 Forecast
The 2030 Forecast is the world's first app allowing individuals to easily understand and track their own country’s carbon emissions — week by week. This means knowing whether or not their country is doing their share of the work to secure a safe and humanly livable planet for all. In 2015, 197 countries signed the Paris Agreement, stating that we need to cut our emissions in half by the year 2030. That’s now seven years away. For individuals in all countries, this horizon requires us to hold corporations accountable to emissions and governments accountable to investments in a national economy decoupled from fossil fuels. Having near real-time satellite data at our fingertips today empowers us with the intel necessary to demand responsibility for a net zero tomorrow. Think of it as a democratization of knowledge that already should belong to the many. Powered by satellite image analysis from Kayrros and environmental footprint calculations by Doconomy.